Support > Design > Product Page > Hide or Show Shipping Methods

Hide or Show Shipping Methods


Web DesignOnline Shop DesignOnline StoreProduct Page


When using eshopland ecommerce platform for web design, merchants can choose to display or hide the shipping options on the product pages of the online shop. If the eshop supports multiple shipping methods, merchants can hide the shipping options on the product pages to create a cleaner look.


1.     The Product Page Style


Go to Admin Panel > Design > Pages,

click “Products” to enter the page.



Scroll down to Single Product session,

Click “Product Page Style” to enter the Single Product Design setup page.



2.    The Product Page Style Tools


One the left is the toolbar for designing the Single Product Page.

The product page design tool uses “preview design” approach, allowing you to preview the design effects in real-time.


The design style will be applied to all single product pages.



3.    Show Shipping Methods on Product Pages


Enable  Show Shipping Methods (Default):

Indicates that shipping method information will be displayed on all product pages of the online shop.



4.    Hide Shipping Methods on Product Pages


Disable  Show Shipping Methods (Default):

Indicates that shipping method information will be hidden on all product pages of the online shop.


If necessary, merchants can manually add the shipping information to other pages of the online shop.



5.    Apply the Settings


Save the settings.


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eshopland 網店平台範本-Alpha
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